My research leverages deep learning and synthetic data to speed up physical simulations, with a specific focus on accelerating fluid dynamics simulations. Due to the non-local and non-linear nature of fluid flows, these simulations can become computationally intensive, impeding iterative design and real-time simulations. Deep learning techniques have proven instrumental in alleviating this bottleneck for targeted applications. To also ensure high accuracy in out-of-distribution cases, I believe that deep learning models must align with the underlying physics. Consequently, I work with Graph Neural Networks, which efficiently capture spatial gradients of the physical fields, and I have explored incorporating SE(3) equivariance into the models.

I completed my PhD in 2023 at Imperial College London, and since then, I have been a post-doc in Thuereys’ group.

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E-mail: m.lino (at)
Room: 02.13.039